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The Environment

energy star logoThe east of Long Island has a fragile ecosystem dependant on water quality. Two major concerns of ACCC are lead runoff from lead-coated copper (LCC) roofing and petroleum-based releasing agents in concrete forms. ACCC is committed to reducing the use of these materials.

Lead-coated copper. According to the Copper Development Association, lead-coating does not extend the life of a copper roof. Its purpose is to provide an alternative finish to the green patina typical of a weathered copper roof. Lead-coated copper weathers to a dark-gray to black finish. The runoff from lead-coated copper stains materials it comes into contact with and washes it into surrounding soil.

Alternatives to LCC are Freedom Gray and Zinc. Freedom gray is zinc-tin alloy coating to copper. The material is prepainted with a temporary gray finish which then weathers to dark gray finish. Rheinzick and Umicore are two manufacturers of zinc roofing.  Rheinzink is a titanium zinc alloy available in blue gray and graphite gray finish. Umicore produces VMZinc, which is naturally gray, and Quartzinc, which is dark gray.

Form releasing agents. Releasing agents are typically pretroleum-based and include diesel, home-heating oils and paraffin wax. There are alternatives to these products which are more environmentally-friendly. The Cresset Chemical Company produces Bio-Tru, a soy-based releasing agent, and 20-VOC, which is water-based. Altas Construction Supply produces BioGuard, which is vegetable-oil-based.

We are proud to offer new homes that have earned the ENERGY STAR® label. ENERGY STAR qualified new homes are substantially more energy efficient than homes built to the minimum code requirements. Our ENERGY STAR qualified new homes are independently verified by a third-party Home Energy Rater to ensure they meet ENERGY STAR energy efficiency guidelines. These homes are better for the environment and better for you.

Learn more about ENERGY STAR qualified new homes at http://www.energystar.gov.